Change Management: involving end users early in software selection process

Involving end users early in the software selection process is indeed a widely recognized best practice in change management. Here are some reputable sources and links that support this statement:

  1. Prosci:

  2. Kotter:

    • John Kotter is a renowned change management expert known for his eight-step process for leading change. In his work, he emphasizes the significance of building a coalition of supporters, which includes involving end users from the outset.

    • Source: Kotter's 8-Step Process for Leading Change,

  3. Harvard Business Review:

    • The Harvard Business Review frequently publishes articles on change management best practices. Several of their articles highlight the importance of user involvement in successful change initiatives, including software selection and implementation.

    • Source: Harvard Business Review,

  4. Gartner:

    • Gartner is a leading research and advisory company that provides insights into various aspects of technology and business. Their research often stresses the importance of user engagement in technology adoption and change initiatives.

    • Source: Gartner Research,

  5. Forrester:

    • Forrester is another prominent research and advisory firm that offers insights into technology trends and organizational change. Their reports often emphasize the role of end user involvement in driving successful software implementations.

    • Source: Forrester Research,

These sources offer a wealth of information and research findings that support the idea that involving end users early in the software selection process leads to more successful outcomes in change management.

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